Let the Body's natural healing occur for the best results!
Monday, April 28, 2014
Headaches: Study Shows Chiropractic Effective and Long Lasting
Evidence reports recently released by the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research (FCER) show the effectiveness of chiropractic care for sufferers of Tension Headaches. The story released February of 2001, was the continuation of a release of a study done at Duke University several years earlier. In the study many different types of physical and behavioral treatments were used for patients with headaches.
Chiropractic care was specifically compared to amitriptyline, a common medication used for headaches.
In this study the staff at the Duke Center screened articles from the literature, created evidence tables, and analyzed the quality and magnitude of results from these studies. They then drafted an evidence report with peer review from a panel of 25 reviewers, including researchers and clinicians in chiropractic.
The results showed that chiropractic was highly effective for patients with tension headaches. When compared with the drug amitriptyline, chiropractic and the drug had similar short term effects during the episode. However, the drug carried with it an adverse reaction rate in 82% of the patients.
The most profound effects were seen after the care was discontinued in the study. In these instances the patients who were on drug therapy essentially returned to the same state as before. However, the patients who were under chiropractic care continued to show sustained reduction in headache frequency and severity even after the chiropractic care was discontinued. The implications are that chiropractic is not actually a therapy or treatment, but rather gets to the cause allowing the body to effect a correction that lasts beyond actual care.
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
Chiropractic care was specifically compared to amitriptyline, a common medication used for headaches.
In this study the staff at the Duke Center screened articles from the literature, created evidence tables, and analyzed the quality and magnitude of results from these studies. They then drafted an evidence report with peer review from a panel of 25 reviewers, including researchers and clinicians in chiropractic.
The results showed that chiropractic was highly effective for patients with tension headaches. When compared with the drug amitriptyline, chiropractic and the drug had similar short term effects during the episode. However, the drug carried with it an adverse reaction rate in 82% of the patients.
The most profound effects were seen after the care was discontinued in the study. In these instances the patients who were on drug therapy essentially returned to the same state as before. However, the patients who were under chiropractic care continued to show sustained reduction in headache frequency and severity even after the chiropractic care was discontinued. The implications are that chiropractic is not actually a therapy or treatment, but rather gets to the cause allowing the body to effect a correction that lasts beyond actual care.
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
Severe Menstrual Cramping? Studies Prove Chiropractic Relief
The study was conducted on 13 women with an average age of 26 years, with the youngest being 20 and the oldest 45. The women included in this study all reported that they had symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea during all of their menstrual cycles during the previous year. All of the women suffered from low back pain, lower abdominal pain, and general abdominal pain each menstrual cycle.
The time period of the study covered 2 menstrual cycles for the women so the effects of care could be looked at for two consecutive cycles. Prior to care, all women were asked to rate their pains so that a baseline could be established. All subjects were asked to initially rate their pain from 0 to 10 with zero being no pain and ten being the "worst pain you could possibly imagine".
The results of this study showed a considerable improvement for most all of the subjects in each of their two subsequent cycles after chiropractic adjustments. The results for the women showed that their lower abdominal pain decreased from an average rating of 8.3 before care, down to a rating of 5.0 and 3.6 for the subsequent two cycles. Likewise, their general abdominal pain decreased from an average of 7.0 before care to 3.2 and 2.1, and their lower back pain decreased from an average of 6.0 down to 3.2 and 2.7 for subsequent cycles. In addition to the primary symptoms, the women in the study also noted improvements in secondary symptoms which included headaches, fatigue, diarrhea and constipation.
The researchers concluded that menstrual pain associated with primary dysmenorrhea may be alleviated with the specific chiropractic care rendered in this study.
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
Chiropractic Care After Surgery? Amazing Results!
The man's history was similar to many seen in chiropractic offices. While responding to an auto accident during an ice storm, the 55 year old highway patrolman slipped getting out of his car and fell backward, landing on his upper back and neck After a few days he began to experience pain in his neck. Two months later he consulted a medical doctor, who referred him to a neurologist. During the neurological examination, the patient experienced a seizure that eventually led to a diagnosis of a tumor of the adrenal gland. Several weeks later, the patient had surgery to excise the tumor which resulted in temporary relief of the neck pain.
He returned to work, and 6 weeks after surgery he began to experience neck pain again, which he described as "sharp," along with pain, numbness, and tingling in both arms. His condition worsened, for about 6 to 7 months, and he was was referred to a neurosurgeon. The patient eventually consented to neck surgery, and an anterior cervical diskectomy (disc removal) was performed.
When he returned to the surgeon for a postsurgery check-up and had continuing complaints, he then asked when the surgeon wanted to see him again. The reply was, "I never want to see you again." This answer was devastating for the patient, and he assumed that he was destined to live with these problems for life.
Approximately 3½ years after surgery, the patient started chiropractic care. The chiropractic care began and after receiving the first set of adjustments, the patient indicated that his ability to raise his left arm had increased by 50% and that his neck pain and arm complaints were also relieved. He was astonished and excited by the results of the care he received. Within 2 weeks of starting care he was able to fully abduct his left arm and to loop his belt to his pants. A year after the onset of chiropractic care, the patient was working on his small ranch performing various odd jobs and has, on occasion, had some problems because of over activity.
This documented and published case is not unfamiliar to chiropractors world wide. The unique aspect of this case is the fact that it was published in a peer reviewed scientific journal. The authors of the study summed this situation up with the following; "This is the first description in the indexed literature of the chiropractic care of a patient with vertebral and sacroiliac subluxations with a history of unsuccessful cervical diskectomy of the cervical spine. In our experience, allopathic (medical) practitioners usually do not offer patients the option of chiropractic care before surgery. Perhaps more rarely is chiropractic care considered a viable option in instances of unsuccessful surgical care." It is obvious from this study that chiropractic should have been considered first.
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
Depression and Chiropractic: A Case Study
Chiropractic care was initiated and continued over an 11 week period. The results were that the patient had a significant reduction in lower back pain as well as a reduction of her score for depression. The improvement on depression was documented using a follow up BDI test. She not only reported feeling better but also a more positive feeling about her overall well being.
The definition from the National Institute of Mental Health is "A depressive disorder is an illness that involves the body, mood and thoughts. It affects the way a person eats and sleeps, the way one feels about oneself, and the way one thinks about things. A depressive disorder is not the same as a passing blue mood. People with a depressive illness cannot merely ‘pull themselves together' and get better. Without treatment, symptoms can last weeks, months or years. Appropriate treatment, however, can help people who suffer from depression."
The authors of this case study concluded, "This case is important because it illustrates the need for chiropractors to be aware of screening for depression and to be knowledgeable about the management of depression, especially in the elderly population."
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
Back Surgery Results Very Disappointing
When asked about the chances for success with spinal surgery, Dr. Eugene Carragee, at Stanford, who says he performs the operation only on a select group of patients who have been carefully screened, estimates that less than a quarter of the operations will be completely successful. For the majority of patients, the surgery does not have a dramatic impact on either their pain or their mobility. He concludes, that the patient's prospects for a future that is free from back pain is fairly poor.
The New Yorker article also states that many patients who have had surgery end up going back to their surgeons. In a study in the state of Washington of workers injured on the job who received fusions for degenerative-disk disease, the results showed that twenty-two per cent had further surgery. The article also reported that Dr. Seth Waldman, at New York's Hospital for Special Surgery, claims to regularly see spinal-fusion patients who experience persistent pain after multiple operations. Sadly, few patients facing spinal surgery seem to have any idea that the statistics are so unfavorable.
In the December 2001 issue, the journal "Spine" published the results of an award-winning study from Scandinavia in which patients who underwent fusion surgery for chronic lower-back pain were compared with those who had had no surgery. In this randomized controlled trial, only one out of every six of the patients in the surgical group was rated by an independent observer as having an "excellent" result after two years. Additionally, Dr. Richard Deyo, an internist and an expert on back pain at the University of Washington, recently published a statistical analysis of existing research which suggested that spinal fusion generally lacked scientific rationale, and also that it had a significantly higher rate of complication than did discectomy.
In conclusion, the article quotes Dr. Seth Waldman, who sees the consequences of failed fusions at the Hospital for Special Surgery every week. Dr. Waldman wishes that the medical profession could be persuaded to show a little restraint. He concludes the article by saying. "If you have a screwdriver, everything looks like a screw. There will be a lot of people doing the wrong thing for back pain for a long time, until we finally figure it out. I just hope that we don't hurt too many people in the process."
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
Study Shows Chiropractic Better Than Muscle Relaxants for Low Back Pain
This study defined subacute low back pain as lower back pain (LBP) with a duration of 2 to 12 weeks. The study noted that in the United States the incidence of low back pain is as high as 75% to 85% of the population being affected at some time in their lives. On a yearly basis, the study noted that between 15% to 20% of the adult population can expect to experience LBP in any given year.
In the study, conducted at Life University in Georgia, 192 subjects with LBP from 2 to 6 weeks were separated into three groups. One group received Chiropractic adjustments with placebo medication. The second group received muscle relaxants with sham (fake) adjustments. The third group was a control group and received both placebo medication as well as the sham (fake) adjustments. Care was rendered to the group for a 4 week period with evaluations being done at the 2 week and 4 week marks.
Results were measured in terms of patient reported pain, severity, disability and depression, as well as measured flexibility and the patients self usage of over the counter acetaminophen (Tylenol). The results of this short study showed that for the two primary indicators of pain and severity, the chiropractic group did better than the other two groups. No significant differences were seen for disability, depression, flexibility, or acetaminophen usage across groups in a study of this short a period of time. All three groups showed improvement in the areas of depression, disability and drug usage.
The authors of the study did note that a longer study could have yielded more differences in recovery. However, in the area of pain, a primary patient concern in subacute LBP cases, the group that received the chiropractic adjustments faired the best. Their comments were: "Statistically, the chiropractic group responded significantly better than the control group with respect to a decrease in pain scores."
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
Study Shows Low Back Surgery No Better Than Rehabilitation
New research published in the May 28, 2005 British Medical Journal suggests that surgery to relieve chronic lower back pain is no better than intensive rehabilitation and nearly twice as expensive. The study did not look at the benefits of chiropractic care, but did compare patients who underwent surgery for lower back pain and those who had rehabilitation led by physiotherapists.
Dr. Jeremy Fairbank, an orthopedic surgeon and lead researcher at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Center in Oxford, England, along with his co-researchers studied 349 chronic back pain sufferers, defined as pain lasting more than 12 months. Of the 349 patients, 176 had spinal fusion surgery while the remainder underwent intensive rehabilitation involving exercises and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Dr. Fairbank stated, "This is strong evidence that intensive rehabilitation is a good thing to do for people with chronic back pain who are thinking about having operations." The researchers concluded that there was no evidence that surgery was any better than the rehabilitation they compared the surgery to. However, there was a big difference in price with the surgical expense being nearly twice as expensive according to the study.
Helen Campbell of the University of Oxford summed up the results by commenting, "In the short term, compared with intensive rehabilitation, surgical stabilization of the spine as first line treatment for chronic low back pain patients who have already failed standard non-operative care seems not to be cost effective."
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Superstar Football Player Depends on Chiropractic for Longevity
A pair of stories from the October 26, 2002 Dallas Morning News and the October 28, 2002 Fort Worth Star-Telegram, report how chiropractic care is helping professional football players such as Emmitt Smith, play longer with less injuries. The story notes that Smith is only five foot nine inches and weighs only 212 pounds but has missed only seven regular season games, and only four on account of injury. Because of this longevity and ability to remain relatively injury free Emmitt Smith has become the National Football League's all-time leader in yards rushing.
Early in his career Smith did not have the work ethic that the team though he should have. He was also suffering from a nagging hamstring injury. He then decided to turn things around. He told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, " After that season, I decided to invest in me, to keep me going." He went on to say, "You can have a Ferrari body, but your wheels need balancing. I felt if I took care of my body, I could still function when I got older."
Smith now believes so much in chiropractic that he asked his chiropractor to relocate his practice closer to the practice field. Presently Emmitt sees his chiropractor, Dr. Rob Parker two or three times per week. His chiropractor even flies with the team to take care of Emmitt, and a number of other players right up till game-time.
Emmitt Smith, a professional athlete who has first hand knowledge of the benefits of chiropractic concluded by saying, "Some of it may seem hokey to some people, but if you traveled where I've traveled, done what I've done and seen the results that I've been getting, then you'd understand where I'm coming from."
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
Early in his career Smith did not have the work ethic that the team though he should have. He was also suffering from a nagging hamstring injury. He then decided to turn things around. He told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, " After that season, I decided to invest in me, to keep me going." He went on to say, "You can have a Ferrari body, but your wheels need balancing. I felt if I took care of my body, I could still function when I got older."
Smith now believes so much in chiropractic that he asked his chiropractor to relocate his practice closer to the practice field. Presently Emmitt sees his chiropractor, Dr. Rob Parker two or three times per week. His chiropractor even flies with the team to take care of Emmitt, and a number of other players right up till game-time.
Emmitt Smith, a professional athlete who has first hand knowledge of the benefits of chiropractic concluded by saying, "Some of it may seem hokey to some people, but if you traveled where I've traveled, done what I've done and seen the results that I've been getting, then you'd understand where I'm coming from."
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
Study Shows Improvement for MS and Parkinson Patients with Chiropractic
A study published on August 2, 2004 in the peer reviewed "Journal of Vertebral Subluxation", showed that the onset of both Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis were statistically related to trauma to the head and or neck. The study also showed that a high percentage of the patients in this retrospective study benefited significantly from chiropractic care.
This study reviewed the cases of 81 patients with either Parkinson's Disease or Multiple Sclerosis. Of the 81 patients 78 recalled that they had experienced at least one head or neck trauma prior to the onset of their disease. Of the patients in this study, 39 reported that they were involved in auto accidents, 29 noted that they had been involved in some sort of sporting accidents, such as skiing, horseback riding, cycling, and football and 16 were involved in falls such as on icy sidewalks or down stairs. The length of time between the traumatic event and onset of their disease varied from two months to 30 years.
All 81 patients received specific chiropractic care for correction of vertebral subluxations. The results of this care on the patients were then monitored and recorded. Of the 44 Multiple Sclerosis cases, 40 (91%) reported improvement from the chiropractic care. Of these, 28 showed "substantial" improvement; 8 showed "moderate" improvement; and 5 showed "minor" improvement. No further progression of Multiple Sclerosis was noted in the improved cases during the care period, which ranged from one to five years depending on the patient. Four cases reported "no change" in their condition.APOM View
Of the 37 patients with Parkinson's Disease, 34 (92%) reported improvement. Of these patients, 16 showed "substantial" improvement; 8 showed "moderate" improvement; and 11 showed "minor" improvement. As with the MS patients, no further progression of Parkinson's Disease was noted in the improved cases during the care period, which ranged from one to five years depending on the patient. Three cases reported "no change" in their condition.
The conclusions published in the Journal showed that a causal link exists between trauma-induced upper cervical (neck) injury and disease onset for both Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease. Correcting the injury to the upper cervical spine with chiropractic seemed to arrest and reverse the progression of both of these diseases in the patients in this study. These results offer hope to patients who suffer from these debilitating diseases.
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
This study reviewed the cases of 81 patients with either Parkinson's Disease or Multiple Sclerosis. Of the 81 patients 78 recalled that they had experienced at least one head or neck trauma prior to the onset of their disease. Of the patients in this study, 39 reported that they were involved in auto accidents, 29 noted that they had been involved in some sort of sporting accidents, such as skiing, horseback riding, cycling, and football and 16 were involved in falls such as on icy sidewalks or down stairs. The length of time between the traumatic event and onset of their disease varied from two months to 30 years.
All 81 patients received specific chiropractic care for correction of vertebral subluxations. The results of this care on the patients were then monitored and recorded. Of the 44 Multiple Sclerosis cases, 40 (91%) reported improvement from the chiropractic care. Of these, 28 showed "substantial" improvement; 8 showed "moderate" improvement; and 5 showed "minor" improvement. No further progression of Multiple Sclerosis was noted in the improved cases during the care period, which ranged from one to five years depending on the patient. Four cases reported "no change" in their condition.APOM View
Of the 37 patients with Parkinson's Disease, 34 (92%) reported improvement. Of these patients, 16 showed "substantial" improvement; 8 showed "moderate" improvement; and 11 showed "minor" improvement. As with the MS patients, no further progression of Parkinson's Disease was noted in the improved cases during the care period, which ranged from one to five years depending on the patient. Three cases reported "no change" in their condition.
The conclusions published in the Journal showed that a causal link exists between trauma-induced upper cervical (neck) injury and disease onset for both Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease. Correcting the injury to the upper cervical spine with chiropractic seemed to arrest and reverse the progression of both of these diseases in the patients in this study. These results offer hope to patients who suffer from these debilitating diseases.
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
Chiropractic Helps Patients With Acute Back Pain and Sciatica with Disc Protrusion
A new study from Italy published in the March issue of The Spine Journal, showed that chiropractic care was effective in helping patients with acute back pain and sciatica with disc protrusion. This randomized double-blind clinical trial involved 102 ambulatory patients with at least moderate pain or radiating pain, who had an MRI study showing disc protrusion.
The patients were divided into two groups. One group received chiropractic adjustments 5 days per week by experienced chiropractors, with a maximum of 20 visits. The second group received what the study termed, "simulated manipulations" in order to have a group for comparison to those receiving real chiropractic care.
The results showed that those who got the real chiropractic care improved significantly over the group that received the simulated manipulations. In the group that received the chiropractic care, 55% were free of radiating pain in the follow ups compared to 20% of patients who got the simulated manipulations. Additionally, when measuring local pain, 28% of those who received real chiropractic were free of local pain, versus only 6% of those who got the simulated manipulation.
The results also showed improvements in days of pain with the group that received the real care reporting 6 less days of pain than those in the simulated care group. In addition to these benefits the group with the real care reported using less medications to help with the pain as a result of the chiropractic care.
In this study none of the patients in either group had any adverse effects, and one from each group did report no results at all and were listed as "treatment failures". The researchers conclusions were, "Active Chiropractic Adjustments have more effect than simulated manipulations on pain relief for acute back pain and sciatica with disc protrusion."
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
The patients were divided into two groups. One group received chiropractic adjustments 5 days per week by experienced chiropractors, with a maximum of 20 visits. The second group received what the study termed, "simulated manipulations" in order to have a group for comparison to those receiving real chiropractic care.
The results showed that those who got the real chiropractic care improved significantly over the group that received the simulated manipulations. In the group that received the chiropractic care, 55% were free of radiating pain in the follow ups compared to 20% of patients who got the simulated manipulations. Additionally, when measuring local pain, 28% of those who received real chiropractic were free of local pain, versus only 6% of those who got the simulated manipulation.
The results also showed improvements in days of pain with the group that received the real care reporting 6 less days of pain than those in the simulated care group. In addition to these benefits the group with the real care reported using less medications to help with the pain as a result of the chiropractic care.
In this study none of the patients in either group had any adverse effects, and one from each group did report no results at all and were listed as "treatment failures". The researchers conclusions were, "Active Chiropractic Adjustments have more effect than simulated manipulations on pain relief for acute back pain and sciatica with disc protrusion."
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Children and Chiropractic Care: Birth to 18 Years Conditions cared for and side effects
Chiropractic has been successfully caring for children for various conditions for over a century. The main issues are what conditions are cared for by chiropractors, what is the reported success rate and what is the incidence of side effects. Over time, research has started to catch up on what individual chiropractors have been realizing in their private practices and this article will outline the current state of the literature.
Marchand (2012) reported that an extensive European study was performed revealing that 8.1% of chiropractic practices were children between the ages of 0-18 (this is lower than the 17.1% of pediatric case loads of American Chiropractors.) This was based upon 921 doctors of chiropractic participating and reporting 19,821 pediatric visits, thereby certifying a valid cross-section of patients to conclude results.
The pediatric related conditions that were reported to be cared for by chiropractors were the following:
Joint pain
Neck pain
Mid back pain
Low back pain
Cerebral Palsy
Movement Disorders
Hiatus hernia
Bowel problems
Menstrual cramps
Bed wetting
Food intolerance
Skin rashes
Ear infections
Ear-nose-throat problems
Common cold
Miller and Benfield (2008) conducted a study of children younger than 3 years old to determine the adverse effects of chiropractic care in that age group, arguably the most susceptible to injury based upon the fragility of that age group. The study was based upon 5,242 chiropractic adjustments and if the results were extrapolated to the wider infant/toddler population that receives chiropractic treatment, the adverse reaction rate is expected to be 1 out of every 1300 chiropractic adjustments. There was less than 1% of patients experiencing negative side effects and all of these adverse reactions to care were mild in nature; transient and required no medical care with serious complications. The typical reaction was transient crying.
The “Practical Application” reported by Miller and Benfield was that chiropractic adjustments were safe for young children and adolescents.
Marchand (2012) also reported the negative side effects of chiropractic care in children to be less then 1% (0.23%,) which is consistent with what Miller and Benfield reported 4 years prior in an independent study. However, Marchand went further to categorize the negative side effects into mild, moderate and severe. In a 1 year study of 237,857 pediatric patients, there was a reported 534 mild side effects (0.2%) and 23 (0.009%) had moderate side effects with 0 (zero) reporting any severe side effects.
To render perspective on the safety of chiropractic care and children Le, Nguyen, Law and Hodding (2006) reported "The incidence of adverse drug reactions among hospitalized children in the United States has not been well studied. Because clinical trials involving neonates, infants, children, and adolescents are limited, the safety and tolerability of many pharmacologic agents are not well established. Often the pharmacologic actions of drugs in neonates, infants, and children are not similar to those identified for adults; therefore, information obtained from research with adults cannot be applied directly. On the basis of a meta-analysis of 17 prospective studies conducted in the United States and Europe, the incidence of adverse drug reactions among hospitalized children was 9.5%, with severe reactions accounting for 12% of the total (pg. 557.)
The above study indicates that side effects need more researched in many sects of health care, but comparatively speaking, chiropractic is a much safer choice than most alternative options.
Over time, research will continue to render more outcome statistics on the efficacy of chiropractic care. However based upon the current statistical conclusions, chiropractic is being utilized to help an array of maladies worldwide in the pediatric population with minimal to no side effects.
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
Marchand (2012) reported that an extensive European study was performed revealing that 8.1% of chiropractic practices were children between the ages of 0-18 (this is lower than the 17.1% of pediatric case loads of American Chiropractors.) This was based upon 921 doctors of chiropractic participating and reporting 19,821 pediatric visits, thereby certifying a valid cross-section of patients to conclude results.
The pediatric related conditions that were reported to be cared for by chiropractors were the following:
Joint pain
Neck pain
Mid back pain
Low back pain
Cerebral Palsy
Movement Disorders
Hiatus hernia
Bowel problems
Menstrual cramps
Bed wetting
Food intolerance
Skin rashes
Ear infections
Ear-nose-throat problems
Common cold
Miller and Benfield (2008) conducted a study of children younger than 3 years old to determine the adverse effects of chiropractic care in that age group, arguably the most susceptible to injury based upon the fragility of that age group. The study was based upon 5,242 chiropractic adjustments and if the results were extrapolated to the wider infant/toddler population that receives chiropractic treatment, the adverse reaction rate is expected to be 1 out of every 1300 chiropractic adjustments. There was less than 1% of patients experiencing negative side effects and all of these adverse reactions to care were mild in nature; transient and required no medical care with serious complications. The typical reaction was transient crying.
The “Practical Application” reported by Miller and Benfield was that chiropractic adjustments were safe for young children and adolescents.
Marchand (2012) also reported the negative side effects of chiropractic care in children to be less then 1% (0.23%,) which is consistent with what Miller and Benfield reported 4 years prior in an independent study. However, Marchand went further to categorize the negative side effects into mild, moderate and severe. In a 1 year study of 237,857 pediatric patients, there was a reported 534 mild side effects (0.2%) and 23 (0.009%) had moderate side effects with 0 (zero) reporting any severe side effects.
To render perspective on the safety of chiropractic care and children Le, Nguyen, Law and Hodding (2006) reported "The incidence of adverse drug reactions among hospitalized children in the United States has not been well studied. Because clinical trials involving neonates, infants, children, and adolescents are limited, the safety and tolerability of many pharmacologic agents are not well established. Often the pharmacologic actions of drugs in neonates, infants, and children are not similar to those identified for adults; therefore, information obtained from research with adults cannot be applied directly. On the basis of a meta-analysis of 17 prospective studies conducted in the United States and Europe, the incidence of adverse drug reactions among hospitalized children was 9.5%, with severe reactions accounting for 12% of the total (pg. 557.)
The above study indicates that side effects need more researched in many sects of health care, but comparatively speaking, chiropractic is a much safer choice than most alternative options.
Over time, research will continue to render more outcome statistics on the efficacy of chiropractic care. However based upon the current statistical conclusions, chiropractic is being utilized to help an array of maladies worldwide in the pediatric population with minimal to no side effects.
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
Whiplash Disorders and Neck Pain
Great article about whiplash and the many health issues that can arise.
In car accidents and other trauma related causes, whiplash, formally known as WAD (Whiplash Associated Disorders), has the potential to create significant problems to the neck area or cervical spine. The treatment of these disorders ranges from rest or no care to non-invasive care such as chiropractic, acupuncture or physical therapy to invasive care starting with drugs and leading to surgery. Every one of these treatment modalities is indicated based upon the individual diagnosis of the condition and requires the care from a doctor who is experienced and credentialed in trauma related care.
The problem with whiplash is that it affects the ligamentous attachments that connect the bones to one another and creates hypermobility (too much movement or laxity). It often results in compression of the nerves causing pain and resultant premature degeneration. The biggest problem is that ligaments, as reported in a 2006 study, never heal or wound repair.1 They stay impaired for a lifetime, which affects different people in different ways.
Symptoms from whiplash include:2
Neck pain and stiffness
Headaches, most commonly at the base of the skull
Blurred vision
Difficulty concentrating
Memory problems
Ringing in the ears
Sleep disturbances
Pain spreading to your shoulders or arms
Painful head movement
Numbness, tingling or weakness in your arms
When analyzing and comparing non-invasive modalities for care, interventions involving mobilization (chiropractic) were more effective than usual care. Multimodal treatment including manual therapy, which included relaxation therapy, led to a quicker return to work and increased satisfaction with recovery.3
With whiplash and resultant damage to ligaments, one the solutions is quick intervention where the joints are mobilized or put back in their normal position with a chiropractic adjustment before adhesions (internal scar tissue) can create a chronic (long term) problem. By getting the area “adjusted” after a conclusive diagnosis is one of the best approaches to treat whiplash disorders.
These studies along with many others conclude that a drug-free approach of chiropractic care is one of the best solutions for pregnant patients with back pain.
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
In car accidents and other trauma related causes, whiplash, formally known as WAD (Whiplash Associated Disorders), has the potential to create significant problems to the neck area or cervical spine. The treatment of these disorders ranges from rest or no care to non-invasive care such as chiropractic, acupuncture or physical therapy to invasive care starting with drugs and leading to surgery. Every one of these treatment modalities is indicated based upon the individual diagnosis of the condition and requires the care from a doctor who is experienced and credentialed in trauma related care.
The problem with whiplash is that it affects the ligamentous attachments that connect the bones to one another and creates hypermobility (too much movement or laxity). It often results in compression of the nerves causing pain and resultant premature degeneration. The biggest problem is that ligaments, as reported in a 2006 study, never heal or wound repair.1 They stay impaired for a lifetime, which affects different people in different ways.
Symptoms from whiplash include:2
Neck pain and stiffness
Headaches, most commonly at the base of the skull
Blurred vision
Difficulty concentrating
Memory problems
Ringing in the ears
Sleep disturbances
Pain spreading to your shoulders or arms
Painful head movement
Numbness, tingling or weakness in your arms
When analyzing and comparing non-invasive modalities for care, interventions involving mobilization (chiropractic) were more effective than usual care. Multimodal treatment including manual therapy, which included relaxation therapy, led to a quicker return to work and increased satisfaction with recovery.3
With whiplash and resultant damage to ligaments, one the solutions is quick intervention where the joints are mobilized or put back in their normal position with a chiropractic adjustment before adhesions (internal scar tissue) can create a chronic (long term) problem. By getting the area “adjusted” after a conclusive diagnosis is one of the best approaches to treat whiplash disorders.
These studies along with many others conclude that a drug-free approach of chiropractic care is one of the best solutions for pregnant patients with back pain.
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
Headaches & Migraine: Chiropractic vs. Medication Effectiveness & Safety
In randomized clinical trials, chiropractic was 57% more effective in the reduction of headaches and migraines than drug therapy
It was reported in October of 2010 by Wrong Diagnosis that approximately 1 in 6,16.54% or 45 million Americans get headaches yearly, with many people suffering daily. While the statistical numbers vary based upon your source of information, it can be agreed upon that headaches are very common and shared among Americans at an epidemic rate. Taking into account that a single pill for many Americans to treat a headache can cost as much as $43, according to Consumer Reports Health Best Buy Drugs, the overall cost to our economy totals billions of dollars and we need to focus not on the treatment of the effects, but the root of the cause.
When you suffer from headaches, it affects every facet of your life and you search for immediate answers. Most often it is a medication, either over-the-counter or prescription as evidenced by the amount of money spent as previously reported. One of the first medications recognized for the potential treatment of headaches is amatriptyline, commonly known by brand names such as Elavil, Endep or Amitrol as reported by Robert on About.com in 2006. It is also used as an antidepressant. This medication has made up a large part of the billion dollar industry along with over-the counter-medications. Although in many instances, this drug is indicated, the question that arises is what are the risks of taking this widely used medication?
The potential side effects of this medication targeted for headache sufferers, according to drugs.com (n.d.), are: blurred vision, change in sexual desire or ability, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness; dry mouth, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, tiredness, trouble sleeping, and weakness. Severe allergic reactions can be: rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, chest pain, confusion, dark urine, delusions, difficulty speaking or swallowing, fainting, fast or irregular heartbeat, fever, chills, or sore throat; hallucinations, new or worsening agitation, anxiety, panic attacks, aggressiveness, impulsiveness, irritability, hostility, exaggerated feeling of well-being, restlessness, or inability to sit still, numbness or tingling in an arm or leg, one-sided weakness, seizures, severe or persistent dizziness or headache, severe or persistent trouble sleeping, slurred speech, suicidal thoughts or actions, tremor, trouble urinating, uncontrolled muscle movements (such as in the face, tongue, arms or legs), unusual bleeding or bruising, unusual or severe mental or mood changes, vision problems, and yellowing of the skin or eyes. Over the counter remedies of NSAID's or aspirin have a long list of their own of side effects.
The safety of chiropractic, in spite of rhetoric from naysayers, has been documented in clinical trials by Miller and Benfield(2008), who reported on children younger under 3 years old, "the youngest and most vulnerable population..." (p. 420). There was one reaction reports for every 749 adjustments which was typically crying. None were reported to have any serious side effects.
In adults, clinically, the majority of any side effects are soreness that is transient. This is based upon this author's 30 years of clinical experience and teaching doctors of chiropractic who are trained in creating an accurate diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan. To say that more serious side effects cannot happen is irresponsible. However, they are rare, non-life threatening and usually transient in nature, no different than infants. To ensure the best outcomes, like with any professional, you have to verify the doctor's credentials and experience, which is best accomplished by securing a copy of the doctor's curriculum vitae (his/her academic and professional credentials).
Nelson et. al. (1998) reported on randomized clinical trials that took place over an 8-week course. The results showed there was minor statistical differences in outcomes for improvement during the trial period for chiropractic care,amatriptyline and over-the-counter medications for treating migraine headaches. It was also reported that there was no statistical benefit in combining therapies. However, the major factor is that in the post-treatment follow-up period, chiropractic was 57% more effective in the reduction of headaches than drug therapy.
Bryans, et. al. (2011) confirmed Nelson's findings and reported that spinal manipulation (adjusting) is recommended for patients with episodic or chronic migraines with or without aura and patients with cervicogenicheadaches. This follow-up study is not a comparison or comment on the use of drugs. It simply demonstrates that chiropractic is a viable solution for many and can save the government and private industry billions in expenditures both in health care coverage, loss of productivity and avoidance of absenteeism in industry creating a new level of cost assequella to headaches.
Medications and other forms of invasive care are often necessary and it is critical for a trained doctor to perform an accurate history and physical and when indicated, advanced diagnostic testing (CAT scans, MRI's, etc.) to ensure there aren't more serious underlying complications. However, based upon the results of the research provided by Nelson et al. (1998) and Bryans et. al. (2011), it should be chiropractic first, drugs second and surgery last to render better outcomes with less potential side effects and a quicker return to productivity.
Go see Dr Garrett Bode or visit his other links and websites: http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor Oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractor Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Auto Accidents, Headaches. Link LinkBodeChiropractic.Blogspot.comhttp://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa
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