Monday, December 8, 2008
Why See a Chiropractor after an Accident?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Muscle Spasms, Trigger Points, and Fibrositis
Muscle Spasm, Trigger Points and Fibrositis
Many of the millions of people who visit their doctors of chiropractic annually do so because of chronic pain, strain, spasm, irritation, inflammation or other musculoskeletal conditions. Since about 60% of our body is muscle and bone, it should come as no surprise that these problems areso common. And yet although chiropractic is not a treatment for chronic muscle pain, it has been a blessing to millions so afflicted.Why?
What Are Muscles?
Muscles are organs that contract. The 650 or so muscles that are connected to our bones -the ones that bulge when we lift weights and hurt when we overuse them - are called skeletal or striated muscles. These are the muscles that are involved in musculoskeletal (muscle and bone) and neuromusculoskeletal (nerve, muscle and bone) conditions. These muscles can perform impressive feats of speed and strength but quickly gel fatigued.
Facia (Connective tissue)
Muscles and nerves
the muscle becomes paralysed;
it withers away.
Cut or severed nerves are not the only cause of muscular paralysis. Neuromuscular diseases like multiple sclerosis or polio can also cause a loss of nerve conduction to the muscles.
Chronic Muscle Spasm. Fibrositis, Fibromyalgia
Feeling "tight"; always needing to stretch; feeling constant aches and pains in the back of the neck, lower back, and hips; feeling old and stiff; being plagued by morning fatigue, sleeping problems or tender points (sensitive areas on the body surface) are the symptoms of chronic muscle spasm. This condition is also called fibrositis or fibromyalgia, and by a host of other names: myofascial spasms, nonarticular or muscular rheumatism, myofascitis, myositis or myotendinosis.
Trigger Points
Trigger points are tender, sensitive areas that, when pressed, stuck, heated or cooled can be exquisitely painful. They may exist before as well as after the appearance of muscular aches and pains. In fact, patients may first discover their trigger points when they are surprised by someone pressing a seemingly pain-free area. The pain of trigger points may not only be felt in the area pressed but may also be referred to other areas of the body. Trigger points are common in chronicmuscle spasm, myalgia, myositis, fibrositis, strain and sprain and other muscle and joint problems.
The Medical Approach
The Chiropractic Approach
The most common disruption of the nerve-muscle relationship occurs as a result of the vertebral misalignment stresses. The spinal bones (the vertebrae) become misaligned and irritate, impinge, or otherwise disrupt the spine's nerve-muscle-bone relationship; the spinal chord, spinal nerves, fascia, meninges and other tissues can also become damaged. Vertebral misalignment stress can causejoints to "freeze" or lose normal movement, causing damage to the involved area.
The doctor of chiropractic corrects the mechanical (muscle, bone and joint) factors that play a major part in chronic muscle spasm or fibrositis: the nerves, muscles, and bones (the neuromusculoskeletal system). For some, chiropractic may prove to be the key to alleviating chronic muscle spasm. Nearly anyone suffering from this condition should make sure that his/her spine is free from spinal nerve stress. A healthy spinal column- nerve system is a necessaryfoundation for proper muscle function.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Whiplash: Do Most Patients Recover in 6-12 Weeks?
Some of the more recent "experts" now frequently, and erroneously, cite the Mercy Conference Guidelines as the source of this data. However, try as I might, I have never discovered any scientific evidence to support this belief.
The issue of determining reasonable care is made more difficult by the fact that the recovery curve from whiplash, for some patients, has two peaks. Bring and Westman8 reported a second wave of symptoms in whiplash victims occurring many months after the original injury. We have also documented a similar trend at this institute, with a large portion of recovered patients relapsing in the months or years following.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Understanding Whiplash
Thursday, September 4, 2008
How To Choose A Chiropractor
Friday, August 29, 2008
Chiropratic Care When to start your Kids
Regular Chiropractic spinal exams can provide corrective and preventive care for your son or daughter and peace of mind for you.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on Chiropractic
On March 4th, 2006 Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a long-time chiropractic supporter, addressed a group of Doctors of Chiropractic on Natural Fitness. The event is held each year in conjunction with the Governor's own bodybuilding and fitness event, the Arnold Fitness Weekend.
In his appearance at the ICA event Governor Schwarzenegger spoke to the group of professionals on a number of issues including his most recent mishap on a motorcycle. In his candor he admitted that after the accident he had been suffering and in some pain. He then sought the help of a long time friend Dr. Franco Columbu. Dr. Columbu is a chiropractor and a former champion bodybuilder, having won numerous bodybuilding championships including the most coveted Mr. Olympia in 1975, 1976, and 1980.
Mr. Schwarzenegger told the chiropractic audience, “As Governor, you have a chance every day to help people. This is what we have in common…We are friends of chiropractors because chiropractors are dealing with health, fitness, strength and energy…That’s what chiropractors are all about, helping people, to make them strong and fit and get their lives back together. So here we are for fourteen years, holding interesting meetings, working together, learning from each other, and I just wanted to tell you how proud we are of all of you, and how happy we are that we have joined together in this great program.”
Governor Schwarzenegger also spoke about his own personal experience with chiropractic, telling the audience that after his recent and much publicized motorcycle accident, “ Even though on screen I am the robot, the mechanical man, in reality I am also vulnerable and I have my accidents; and you probably heard about my motorcycle accident…my head was thrown forward and I had stitches on my lip…but you know your neck and back afterwards are sore, and I went to the chiropractor who fixed me up and it was really bad for a few days and I couldn’t move; and he gave me just three adjustments and I was perfectly fine after that. So I just want to say that I love your profession.”
Governor Schwarzenegger concluded his talk and then took the time to pose for individual pictures with each of the doctor's present. His ongoing support of chiropractic is evident as he continues to make a point of being present for the chiropractic event even though he has cancelled most of his other appearances during the Fitness Weekend since becoming governor of California.
The Arnold Fitness Weekend is the largest family fitness festival in the world. This year's weekend hosted more than 30 events, drew over 120,000 spectators and featured over 15,000 athletes, which is more than six times the number present at this year's Winter Olympics.
This article was published at wwwchiropracticresearch.org
Go to Dr Garrett Bode's website http://www.bodespinalcenter.com/ or see our latest press release (Click Here). [Chiropractor oldsmar], Chiropractic Tampa, 33635, Chiropractors Tampa, Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center, Oldsmar, 33635, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Automobile Accidents, Headaches. Link Link http://fl.local.yahoo.biz/chiropractortampa/
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Severe Neck Problems After Unsuccessful spinal Surgery Helped With Chiropractic
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sciatica & Chiropractic Relief
Treatment Approach The purpose of chiropractic treatment is to help the body's potential to heal itself. It is based on the scientific principle that restricted spinal movement leads to pain and reduced function and performance. Chiropractic care is non-invasive (non-surgical) and drug-free. The type of chiropractic therapy provided depends on the cause of the patient's sciatica. A sciatica treatment plan may include several different treatments such as ice/cold therapies, ultrasound, TENS, and spinal adjustments - sometimes called manipulation.
Chiropractic What does it Do?
Monday, August 18, 2008
Disc Injuries
Cervical disc herniation occurs when the annulus fibrosus breaks open or cracks, allowing the nucleus pulposus to escape. This is called a Herniated Nucleus Pulposus (HNP) or herniated disc.
13694 WHillsborough Ave
Tampa, FL 33635
(813) 891-1600
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Whiplash Can be a Lifetime Trauma if not Treated
1. Stage of Acute Inflammation and Active Congestion
Chiropractor & Headache Relief
Chiropractor & Auto Accidents
Injuries from accidents can be very painful, and left untreated for even a couple of weeks, permanency of the injuries can begin to set in. Calling Bode Chiropractic today will greatly enhance your chances of preventing a debilitating and painful disability. When soft tissue such as muscle or ligament is torn, scar tissue begins to form almost immediately. This new scar tissue has three very bad qualities: 1) limited movement or elasticity, 2)more senitive to pain, and 3)more prone to re-injury. These properties of scar tissue will cause untreated auto accident injuries to become permanent.
At Bode Chiropractic We take pride in guiding you through the process. From notifying the insurance company, treating your injuries, even help with an attorney if necessary. At Bode Chiropractic we treat the entire body, not just spinal injuries. By utilizing different types of therapies we are able to care for a wide range of injuries.
* Whiplash* Torn Muscle/Ligaments
* Disc injuries* Nausea/Dizziness
* Pinched Nerve* Nutrition/Weight Loss
* Numbness* Sciatica
* Headaches
Total physical restitution is always our goal with your care, however the longer you wait to begin your treatment the less likely that will occur. Calling us today is your best chance to regain your total health and wellness. Start living painless tomorrows today! (813) 891-1600
Bode Chiropractic Accident & Wellness Center
13694 W Hillsborough Ave
Tampa, FL 33635
(813) 891-1600
Chiropractor Tampa, Oldsmar Chiropractic, http://www.BodeSpinalCenter.com
Patients seeking treatment at Bode Spinal Center with Dr. Garrett Bode are assured of receiving only the finest quality care through the use of modern chiropractic equipment and technology, as well as the best documentation for those involved in auto-accidents. Dr. Bode utilizies x-ray, physical therapy, and several Chiropractic techniques to ensure the quickest recovery availiable. Call us today at (813)-891-1600 or visit us at 13694 W Hillsborough Ave Tampa, FL 33635
For more information:
For more information visit this web site: www.BodeSpinalCenter.com or You may contact Dr. Bode at (813) 891-1600.